Founders: K V & Wai Leng


K V and Wai Leng (pic from china press) 孫開汶與張慧玲夫婦:家庭學校這條路,挑戰大,夫妻必須同心,有共同的價格觀與理念才行。

Wai Leng  (Facebook) authored two books, “Life after Babies” (download here) and recently “Learning Beyond Schooling” (Pelanduk, 2008).   Her passion is in art, music and writing and have been actively helping students express and discover themselves through creativity. Wai Leng has also composed and produced an Buddhist Songs album, entitled “True Friends“.

K V Soon regards himself as a ICT Entrepreneur, Management Strategist and  Activist (Linkedin)

Together, Wai Leng & KV Soon founded Learning Beyond Schooling to encourage and explore alternatives in education and learning with the main intent to help parents understand their children better and to help them maximize their potentials. Learning Beyond Schooling is the evolution from FamilyPlace, Malaysia’s first online parenting and family website in 1997 funded by the National IT Council and MIMOS through the Demonstrator Application Grant Scheme (DAGS)

Wai Leng and K V are regular speakers at various events and provide advise and guidance to parents embracing this and the borderless world, they are regularly featured in the media (both online and print).  They wrote regularly and have a column entitled Engaged Parenting in the Magazine, ParenThink!.

Wai Leng and K V unschooled their three children – Amrita (24), Samanta (23) and Arian (16).

To speak with us or to arrange for speaking /workshop arrangements, please contact us